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Sunday Thoughts #1: Bragging isn't a good quality...


I decided to start doing Sunday Thoughts, which (I guess) is a segment where I share an opinion, discuss my religious faith, or (maybe) even of course discuss politics as well. I do want to mention that these topics may be controversial, and they might even offend people, and I promise that's not my intention whatsoever. (My intention is that people have recently reached out to me and have asked me to be more active on Social Media platforms. Since I'm also on break, I thought it would also be a good idea to maybe possibly start doing this segment as well).

For today's Sunday Thoughts, I wanted to talk about 'bragging'. Now, what is bragging you may ask?

Well, 'bragging' basically means, "excessively proud and boastful talk about one's achievement or possessions". Now, the reason why I think that bragging is a bad quality is because it's too excessive, and (sometimes) it can even be (somewhat) obnoxious as well.

According to past research by the Wall Street Journal, people who brag can be perceived as narcissistic and less moral. In addition to this as well, braggers tend to also be less well adjusted, braggers tend to also struggle in friendly and romantic relationships, and braggers may also possibly struggle with low self esteem as well. Women who brag also tend to be judged more harshly than men.

I'm not saying that boasting about your accomplishments once in a while is a bad thing, but doing it excessively and on a daily basis is not a good quality in my opinion.

Here's a good example:

- posting a life accomplishment on your Facebook wall.

- talking about how hard you have worked on an Instagram photo.

- sharing how many books you have read in a year.

- sharing that you have bought a new house, moved to a new location, or got a new job.

During things such as a job interview, boasting about some of your accomplishments is okay. But boasting or bragging during a date, family gathering, or even a get together with your girlfriends is not necessarily a good thing (and WARNING: people may badly look at you to be honest).

I've been on dates with guys where they spent the entire time bragging or talking about themselves in an arrogant manner, (and the same thing can also be said for people I have met who have spent the whole time bragging about how many followers they have on social media, their internships, etc. without really trying to take the chance to maybe get to know me and my friends if that makes sense). When I meet someone, I want to learn about them, and I want to try and have a meaningful conversation with them, and (honestly) I don't care how many followers you have or the fact that you interned for Vogue Magazine. When someone takes the entirety of a conversation talking about themselves or just boasting about their accomplishments, it turns me off to be honest.

But, If you want to brag about something you are proud of where you don't want to seem cocky, start off what you maybe want to say by saying, "I'm really proud of this and I want to maybe sure it with you if that's okay?"

You're allowed to be proud of your accomplishments, I'm not saying you aren't allowed to. But, there is a difference between bragging about your accomplishments and being proud of your accomplishments as well.

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